
‘I was held, I laughed, I marvelled … this is such a winner!’

Fay Weldon CBE FRSL, author, essayist, feminist and playwright

‘Joyful, sensual, funny writing.’

Samantha Harvey, author and academic

‘A tremendous force and energy and a sharp wit.’

Gerard Woodward, novelist, poet and short story writer


Gavin James Bower, writer, editor, scriptwriter

‘A wonderfully “big-budget” panoramic feel … very assured.’

Gavin Cologne-Brookes, author, memoirist

‘Such command, and depth and richness of detail.’

Celia Brayfield, author, academic and cultural commentator

‘A big story, well-imagined, with strong characters.’

Anna Davis, literary agent and author

‘Compelling…visceral and real.’

Grindstone Literary

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Magic Realism Next post Magic mode: magic(al) realism and the author